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Badenock: Shettima, Shehu Sani and hate speech 

Straight Talk By Obinna F Nwachukwu
Comrade Shehu Sani last week joined the bandwagon of those criticizing Badenock, the Nigerian-born, newly elected Leader of the Opposition, in the British Parliament, for passing uncomplimentary remarks on Nigeria when she was interviewed by journalists .
However, I would wish to differ,as such adverse comments were not, I would like to think , directed to Nigeria, per se, but on the leadership in Nigeria.
If that is what she meant, then we must give her the benefit of her opinion, which most other people inside Nigeria, would share.
I liked the response of this country’s Vice-President, who, inspite of the negativity, in Badenock’s comments, did not disown her but stated that Nigeria is proud of her.
Reacting to the critical write-up, by Comrade Shehu Sani, one Medina Bello, writing in Shehu Sani’s Facebook page,said that Badenock, was only being a Novice.
The truth is that  Badenock is not a “novice”. Rather, her comment should be seen as a display of resentment  with what is currently going on, in the country of her birth.
I do not blame her, at all.  This seeming attitude of “hate”, is similar to the attitude of individuals of the many minority ethnic groups, in the North, for instance, which is most often, misunderstood by the dominant Hausa-Fulani Muslim ruling  group in the North.
On the other hand, Badenock could be resenting the attitude and behavior of the ruling elite, in Nigeria .
Embedded in her ( Badenock’s ) , statements, and perhaps behavior, are “psychological protests,” against the realities of the times, as the minority groups, in the North, normally react, against the Northern ruling groups.
 I do not know,( even from her name, Medina Bello ) , whether or not, she is  Hausa, Fulani, Muslim , ( the dominant and ruling group ), or Christian, and, or a member of the minority ethnic group,in the North .  This is because where she comes from, in the North , to a very large extent, will  determine , her  psychological make-up, on social issues, and where she ultimately,  stands.
If  somebody is a Hausa-Fulani ,and Muslim, living in the North,  for that person  to understand the psychological make-up , of a member of one of the very many minority groups in  the North, one  has  to step into the shoes of these individuals, that make up these minority groups, in order to properly ,  understand the psychology , of most of the members of those groups.
Not only the lady in question, ( Badenock–  the Leader of the Opposition,in the British Parluament ) , I can assure anybody , that many others would have reacted, almost in the same manner , ( if not even in worst manners), than the lady in question   .
This seeming attitude of ,” hate “, is psychologically, and deeply ingrained, in most of the people, affected .
Unfortunately, most members of the Muslim Hausa-Fulani group, in the North, being the dominant ruling group, most often, may not understand this, mainly  because they are the dominant socio-religious, economic and political group ;  a group that had been ruling and a dominant one for that matter,  since the jihad of Othman Danfodio, ( which was launched against the seven Hausa Kings, and other areas, in the North ) ,  starting in 1804, until the British came, and more ir less, handed over the over 200 ethnic nationalities, of the North, to this ruling class, who have since independence, continued to maintained and manipulate the system, until perhaps now, under the Tinubu government.
There are so many ” “suppressed” feelings, by so many groups , which are , most often, not openly expressed, but which may be, (and usually ), are, much more  worse,  than those of the lady ,in question.
Can you imagine, for example, the Hausa-Fulani, ( who are considered almost as siemese twins) , that there would come a  time,( such as  this) ,  when some people who go by the title , “indigenous Hausa Rennaisance Group “, would rise up, ; a renaissance of the pure Hausa ethnic group of the North, against the ruling Fulani group,which started to exert dominance , in the North,  since Fodio’s time . Would one believe such a phenomenon, would ever be experienced?
Today, this division is a reality, whether one accepts  it,  or not.
It represents  centuries- long– suppressed feelings, of dissatisfaction with the state of things, by the so-called indegenous Hausa group, against the Fulani rulers ( this group of urbanized, accumulated Fulani, are to be differentiated from either the sedentary, or nomadic Fulani herders ) .
 Therefore, no one should either  blame the “accuser”, or  the ,
” accused ” ? It calls for understanding, of both.
 What has been happening , is the outcome, of a long-held ,  socio-cultural and economic and political system, in feudal North.
This mentality, or attitude, or feeling, arises and exists,  as soon as two, or more cultures meet, and cohabit,co-habit , as an entity.
There are usually certain feelings against the dominant groups. The dominant groups too, do have certain feelings against the other less dominant groups, which are usually condescending, and spiteful .
What this shows, is that society has not been fully integrated,  into one. There are usually a lot of problems integrating these diverse groups.
These are common all over the world;  as there were bound to be diversities, due to differen degrees of success or failure, at integrating these groups .               These diversities are in the wisdom of Allah, but the attempt at integrating them are in the wisdom of man, in society.
Allah is aware, and that is why Allah gave us religion, and commanded, in these religions, that we should love ; that  we should love Allah first, and then, all other human beings, (who) are creations of Allah.
It is the failure to observe ,very well ,this command , ( more especially the love of other human beings, which is most often abused ) , that brings about all kinds of feelings,psychology,  adverse,negative, or otherwise, in groups and in individuals .
That is the situation ;  it calls for understanding , of all groups, but most especially , the recognition of these differences, instigated by diversity,  and the understanding of  same , more so by the dominant groups, because  they have found themselves on top of the social strata.
The responsibility to understand,  lies more, with the dominant groups, than the other way .
 Unfortunately, it is in these dominant groups, that we have  views , that seem to be  adverse, and opposite to,, those “suppressed”, feelings, which the dominant ruling groups term as having  arisen out of “unreasonableness , hate, envy, or jealousy,” of the less dominant people.
This is the temptation, but it is wrong, or mistaken . There has to be understanding, more on the part of the dominant groups, as mentioned above,  than otherwise.
For to expect otherwise, would be, ( according to the Bajju people of Southern Kaduna ),  to expect to find ” blood in a cricket “.