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Nipah virus kills 12 year old in India

There has been an outbreak of the Nipah virus in India which has led to the death of a 12-year-old boy.

The Nipah virus which is way deadlier than Covid-19 is feared to be the next virus that might plague the world. The virus has a high rate of mutation and has no cure yet.

The World Health Organization has stated that the virus mortality rate ranges from 40 to 75% which is quite excessive compared to Covid 19’s 1%.

The center for Disease Control and Prevention has said: “The virus has been shown to spread from person to person in these outbreaks, raising concerns about the potential for NiV to cause a global pandemic.”

The virus was spread from pigs to farmers in Malaysia in 1999 and has an incubation period of 45 days which makes it possible for a person to transfer it before the symptoms start showing.

According to some reports, the 12-year-old boy had visited some hospitals which had left him exposed. His immediate contacts were also tested for the virus and they came back negative.

The virus causes swelling, seizures, vomiting, and brain swelling.


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